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Ibraimi, Meriton and Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and Memeti, Agon and Idrizi, Florim (2023) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: BETWEEN DIALOGUE AND FICTION. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 8 (15-16). pp. 272-282. ISSN 2545-4072
Abduramani, Elira and Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and Ullah, Arif (2023) THE METAVERSE PARADOX: VIRTUALITY AND REALITY COLLIDE. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 8 (15-16). pp. 212-224. ISSN 2545-4072
Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and CIVULI, Abdulla and ARIFI, Gjulie and Rufati, Eip (2022) CYBER ESPIONAGE CONSEQUENCES AS A GROWING THREAT. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 7 (13-14). pp. 13-20. ISSN 2671-3039
Skenderi, Muhamed and Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and Imeri, Florinda (2020) ETHICS IN DevOps, THE ATTITUDE OF PROGRAMMERS TOWARDS IT. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 5 (9-10). pp. 69-85. ISSN 2671-3039
Sela, Mirvet and Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and Memeti, Agon (2019) PLAGIARISM AS A CURRENT PHENOMENON IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 4 (7-8). pp. 62-71. ISSN 2671-3039
Luma-Osmani, Shkurte and Idrizi, Florim and Ademi, Shpresa and Fetai, Ramazan (2018) Above the clouds: a brief overview of Microsoft Azure environments and applications. Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UT, 3 (5-6). pp. 79-88. ISSN 2671-3039